I'd like to see him explain why it is possible to start in one place with an airplane and flying in a single direction...let's say west...end up back where he or she started. Does his doctrine explain that?
So, he "rejects" the sort of science which cannot be "confirmed" by the Qur'an, just like evolution supposedly cannot be real because it's not in the bible. Dude, these religious zealots (of all religions) are all one of a kind: closed-minded, brainwashed, bigoted individuals bent on controlling everyone.
I just don't understand how any reasonable person could so completely ignore what their senses tell them. The idea that one would consciously or unconsciously just shut down the parts of the mind that allow us a sense of logic and reason and to supplant those mechanisms with blind unquestioning faith seems totally insane.
I suppose that these are not reasonable people, but rather people who are highly emotional and irrational.
Actually, this is interesting because in our national conversation, the conservatives are fond of calling the liberals emotional, when it's really the other way around. science is not based on any type of faith. It is based on pure observation, logic and deduction. Whereas religion cannot possibly be based on anything but pure emotion: the want for something to be true as opposed to the fact that something is true.
I think that these then becomes important statements: do not confuse passion for blind faith. do not confuse optimism for naivete. do not confuse fact with fiction.
If Nixon heard me talking like this, he'd have me shot!