Thursday, February 21, 2008

Emulators within Emulators within Emulators within Emu...

This whole virtualization thing is opening my mind.  I have a dream about emulators.  Would you like to hear it?

What if my box ran OS X 10.5 (Intel) and then i ran VMware to get a copy of Windows Vista running, and then i ran Pear PC inside Windows Vista, which is inside VMware running on OS X 10.5 to run OS X 10.3 (PPC)? Then from within my emulated OS X 10.3 installation, i ran Virtual PC to get to Ubuntu? Then from Ubuntu, which is running inside Virtual PC on an emulated OS X box through Pear PC on Windows Vista inside VMware on Mac OS X, I ran Virtual Box to emulate Windows again and then i ran my Windows apps through Wine on andLinux?

Would the universe implode? Is this how black holes form? Endless emulators?! My head hurts...

Zealots of the world, unite!

I'd like to see him explain why it is possible to start in one place with an airplane and flying in a single direction...let's say west...end up back where he or she started. Does his doctrine explain that?

So, he "rejects" the sort of science which cannot be "confirmed" by the Qur'an, just like evolution supposedly cannot be real because it's not in the bible. Dude, these religious zealots (of all religions) are all one of a kind: closed-minded, brainwashed, bigoted individuals bent on controlling everyone.

I just don't understand how any reasonable person could so completely ignore what their senses tell them. The idea that one would consciously or unconsciously just shut down the parts of the mind that allow us a sense of logic and reason and to supplant those mechanisms with blind unquestioning faith seems totally insane.

I suppose that these are not reasonable people, but rather people who are highly emotional and irrational.

Actually, this is interesting because in our national conversation, the conservatives are fond of calling the liberals emotional, when it's really the other way around. science is not based on any type of faith. It is based on pure observation, logic and deduction. Whereas religion cannot possibly be based on anything but pure emotion: the want for something to be true as opposed to the fact that something is true.

I think that these then becomes important statements: do not confuse passion for blind faith. do not confuse optimism for naivete. do not confuse fact with fiction.

If Nixon heard me talking like this, he'd have me shot!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Microsoft's tactical prowess...I had nothing to do with this one.

Valleyway has the story. It turns out that Microsoft made its offer to buy Yahoo at a crucial moment internally for the company. They forced the stock price up right as some kind of employee benefits package was expiring, so everyone had an excuse to leave, thus bleeding the talent away from Yahoo...just brilliant! I swear, I did not advise Microsoft in any official capacity.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Open thread

I would just like to take a moment and find out what people think of the concept of this blog; it's style of humor, etc. There haven't been many posts over the last few days, as I have been trying to determine the direction I want to go with this. Please leave suggestions. I really do appreciate it!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ruskie offers tactical advice to Yahoo!

I received this video today from one of my contacts at Yahoo!'s Corporate Intelligence Agency! (CIA!) depicting a man who has made himself known to me only as "shpigler."

He claims to be offering invaluable advice on negotiating tactics with Microsoft. His demeanor suggests a confident individual who would directly or indirectly benefit from further Microsoft-Yahoo! negotiations, whether or not a merger, referred to as the "Big One," takes place. As this is the case, I must consider him to be a dubious source of objective information on the matter.

I shall advise CIA! to take the subject's information into consideration, but that they should be aware that this might only be a small piece of a much larger puzzle. In fact it is entirely possible that this is a setup, designed to lure Yahoo! into making some as yet unforeseen maneuver which would yield catastrophic results.

Yahoo!'s refusal to accept Microsoft's proposal invites a response which could easily be compared to the outcome in 1968 of Czechoslovakia's so-called Prague Spring.

If this is the case, perhaps the Google Counterintelligence Operation (Gcop) has heard something along those lines...

In any event, I will be watching out for this "shpigler."

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Prague Spring in Eastern Yahoo?

Memo for President Nixon

Mr. President,

I fear that my services will be required very shortly in the near future. I was contacted by President Vladimir Putin today via telegram. He said that Eastern Yahoo has rejected its overtures for annexation. I think that he'll take the same position as Brezhnev: heads will roll on this one! This is going to be very big. I will be leaving Bonn to make my full report tomorrow evening.


John McCain appeals to my thirst for power

It's no secret that I'm good friends with John McCain. I like him. He's a good man. In a lot of ways he reminds me of Nixon.

He called me at my hotel this afternoon:

"Henry, ol' buddy!  Heeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"
Sometimes, he likes to pretend that he's Johnny Carson. It's actually rather annoying, especially since the man has no sense of humor. "That's great, John," I said rather unenthusiastically.
"Well,, it's starting to look like I'm gonna actually win the GOP nomination."
"I heard that.  Congratulations."
"So, um, I was thinking...I really don't like the idea of having a cabinet full of punk kids.  And I really don't trust these neoconservatives."
"What do you propose?"
A few beats of silence.
"Do you want to work for me, Henry?" again with the questions, "we could stir up a whole bunch of shit in the Middle East now that things are so screwed up there. We'd have a lot of fun. The press has their thumbs up their asses with Iraq, we could do pretty much anything we want!"
"What about the Democrats in the Senate? They would never confirm me, John. I don't know...this whole situation is a bit similar to when Nixon took over Vietnam isn't it? And what if the liberals try to take away my Nobel Prize?"
"I'll get you four more Nobel Prizes! Look, Henry, the Democrats are completely brain-dead. Besides, I've got some pictures of Harry Reid that I'm pretty sure he doesn't want anyone to see. If that doesn't work, I'll make it a recess appointment!"

So, John McCain wants me to be his Secretary of State, eh? Hmm, I do love the sweet taste of power! Mmm. Power.

Or is that my denture adhesive?